Waiting for Godo?

This gentleman in a bowler hat seemed slightly out of place as he sat removed from the crowds on a bench in Middle Meadow Walk.

It was a exceptionally damp misty walk to an alternative altar of toast this morning and the weather meant it took a very long time for the continuing Meadows Festival to get under way, but it did eventually and throwing caution to the winds we bought a woollen over blanket from the nicest stall there -The Travelling Basket. Now we have bed with a cosy throw of reindeer prancing over it and made not in China or Vietnam but Lithuania. That’s a first!
We also took the opportunity to sign a plea to stop the live export of animals and blip the human example standing in a wooden crate.

Later we met up with daughter#1 for coffee and later still, David and Luca came for what amounted to afternoon tea. We are now in recovery mode.

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