Decided to get out in the garden early instead of going a walk, so was in the garden before 6.30am, and just look who turned up, I don't know who was most surprised. Thankfully I had my little camera with me, but as soon as it clicked, he was off. Brilliant blip sorted. Came in for breakfast at 8.30am after filling two garden bins with weeds and hedge clippings.
At 11.30am I took the three dogs to the loch where they had a super time in the water, hopefully Daisy will take a rest now. At the moment they are all lying drying in the sun.
Well lunch over now so back to the garden, then a shower and down to the care home.
Thank you all for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my little duck yesterday. Really appreciate it.
Hope you like Mr Fox (sorry Nicoiseannie)!!!!!!

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