The man cave......

Another thick mist this morning. Sorted out the 15 AAx Saler heifers that arrived on Friday. They got their ear numbers checked and their first BVD vaccine.
An afternoon spent here and there . Ran Junior to the bus , then went to feed the cattle down the road. Back home to see how the drainers were getting on then a quick coffee with Adam from Lothian Tractors who called in.
Then across next door to say bye to wee brother and his partner who are away back home to Australia in the morning.
When I got there he was just finishing building this 'man cave ' hut for our nephew T. Gave him a hand to finish off then headed off to pick Junior back up from the bus again. Dad's taxi had its work cut out today ! Even managed to fit in a quick trip to Tesco as someone reminded me it was our wedding anniversary tomorrow !

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