Lots done - lots still to do

The new Queen’s Hall in Dunoon is almost finished and now the re-alignment of the road , including the planting of mature trees, is taking place. It is going to look very impressive if you are standing on the pavement by the Coal Pier car park looking towards it.

However if you were to walk a few yards further on and look the other way - towards the sea - you would be faced with second image above which shows the crumbling Victorian Pier and the very visible evidence of long term neglect, including weeds growing through the road surface.

The first phase of restoration was completed a couple of years ago but despite the Council’s claim that money was available to finish the job, it hasn’t progressed and the local paper now claims that the money has been spent elsewhere.

Consequently the effect of the work on the Queen’s Hall and its surroundings will be diminished for some considerable time . Visitors will be somewhat astonished by such a contrast, I suspect and in addition the risk remains that one big winter storm will damage the unique pier beyond the point of no return.

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