Sometimes life can be so disappointing!

A beautiful day ..... blue skies from first light .... so sandwiches made, bags packed and we set off for Anstruther. The Sea Princess looked ready and the conditions were as shown in the first extra.

We went into the hut to collect our tickets to be told 'The sailing is cancelled' .... I thought he was being funny but NO ... there was no sailing to May Isle. There was an 8 foot sea swell out by the island and it would be impossible to land :-((

What made things even more disappointing .... we were taking a friend, who lives near Colchester, for her birthday. There's always next year. We took a run out to Kingsbarns where we had a lovely walk along an almost deserted beach. Watching the waves breaking on the rocks we had an idea what the conditions would be like a few miles from land.

Then the second tragedy struck .... walking up from the beach and through Cambo Estate in search of coffee I tripped over a stone and went down on all fours .... the camera, which had been hanging round my neck, suffering the worst damage. L is meeting friends in town tomorrow and she has very kindly offered to take the camera to the repair shop but I'm not holding out much hope

.... and just to moan one more time ... it's far too hot here!

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