
By Susana

My Perfect Atkins Breakfast

I am officially getting back into my Atkins diet today. I have been on it since February 6th and for some silly reason I started to slip off the wagon after August 24th, by dad's birthday party.

We have been doing a lot of things that are definite no-no's for someone on Atkins, such as eating fast food at McDonald's (gasp!) But no more. Starting this morning I am back on track.

What Atkins has done for me is so much more than just losing 30 lbs effortlessly. I have been healthier, have had way more energy, have not been hungry and have lost my obsession about my next meal.

This is my favourite Atkins breakfast; a two egg omelet made with spinach, shrimp, Gruyere, and spring onions. Yum! It keeps me full well until lunch time, no need to go looking for a snack mid morning.

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