Road testing a doggie stroller

Today 'friends of friends', who have a doggie stroller, came to see us so that I could do a bit of a 'road test'.......................... Mmmmmmmm...................... Does my very lovely owner, Ann, think I'm not active enough any more??? This afternoon we went to Perranporth and I was positively zooming around on the beach and doing loads of splish, splash, sploshing??!!

Anyway, test out a doggie stroller I had to do. OK, I admit I do find walking up hills difficult. Ann plonked me in it and then proceeded to push me around MY field. I felt like a complete pratt, especially when I saw a 4 year old collie having a good run about with a ball. But guess what?............... Ann hadn't zipped up the front bit, nor had she clipped me in...................... So I was able to escape. For goodness sake; do I really need to be pushed around in a pram? I said hello the the 4 year old collie's owner, who thought I was a very gorgeous little collie.

…..................And then I was 'captured' and put back into the doggie stroller for the rest of my walk. How can it be called a walk if I don't actually walk anywhere? And then, Ann was shown how to 'clip me in' and how to 'zip up the front bit', so that I couldn't escape! I have to admit it was very comfy in there and there was loads of room for me to move around and lie down and stand up.

…................But seriously peeps........................ do I really need a 'doggie stroller?'

OK....................... so I have osteoarthritis and I find it really, really, difficult walking up hills. However, I didn't really like my 'trial road-test' in the doggie stroller. But......................... if it helps me to get out and about more.................. Maybe I'll just have to get used to it.

What do you think Blippers???

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