
Yes, well.

This song is stuck in my tiny, tired brain.


David Byrne was a favourite back in the 80s (when I was pretty cool too).

3 meetings - one over lunch - so Blip chances were thin. If I work 10 hours, and we have 9 hours of daylight... you can do the arithmetic.

I had something tricky and urgent to take up a couple of hours before going into meeting mode - hence the tired brain.

Getting briskly to the point (so I can head for the kitchen in search of alcoholic leftovers from the weekend), when I came out of the 3rd meeting at 7pm I was too lazy to cook.

I had to pass a top class fish & chip shop on the way home. One thing led to another. Anyway, it's such a rare sight in this house of borscht & beetroot salads it's worth a Blip on that score alone.

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