1917 and Other Years

Today was the first official day of my week off and Mrs P gave me shore leave. Yayy!

I managed to get a few half-decent shots in the can this afternoon and the best are linked below.

These wooden and plastic crosses have been laid already in the grounds of the City Hall in memory of those who have died in the service of their country. This coming Sunday is Remembrance Sunday when the sacrifice of those who have fallen will be honoured. Sadly, here in Northern Ireland, Poppy Day and the wearing of a poppy in memory of those fallen soldiers, sailors and airmen, and to help raise money to help wounded servicemen, has become politicised by parts of both sections of our community with some bars and other businesses excluding people who wear the poppies and other apparently political symbols and attire. What I tend to remember is that those who died were not politically motivated but were young men and women following orders from their political masters with no choice as to where they were sent and aren't here any longer to defend themselves.
To my knowledge, none of my ancestors lost their lives during any of the many wars fought over the last few centuries, but I wear a poppy to show that I respect those that gave their's.

Photo Walk Today - Have a flick through!

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