Who Would You Tip?

Quick iPhone shot of the tip jars at Common Ground where a few Twitter friends and I met up for the @BelfastCoffeeClub meeting. It was a fun evening.

The volume of Obama tips seem to reflect the preference of most people outside the US and most of the sane people inside the US borders too. I read yesterday that John McCain chose Sarah Palin over Mitt Romney when he ran against Obama four years ago. What does that tell you about Romney? Sarah Palin is what we here would call a "rocket", and I think I would describe Romney as a Loony Toon, but then I don't get to vote. Fingers crossed that the Americans see sense, as our economic fortunes and foreign policies are so tied to those of the US that might well be known as the 51st state!

Enough politics! I'm off to watch Homeland :)

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