Prayer in the Penya

Sundays are now really quite full! With 24-7 in the morning/early afternoon, and then Sa Penya in the evenings...
Marcial has asked me to start taking a few pics so we can have memories of this time and chart all that's happening...this is a rubbish pic, but it signifies so much! And the others felt too invasive of people's private space to post as a blip.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A brilliant talk at 24-7 this morning by one of the Navigator leaders from Holland (a Christian charity)...the importance of silence in your heart, soul and sometimes life! Inspiring and challenging...a great reminder to get back to basics and be still.
2) Scrabbling together 2 decent meals out of what seemed like no ingredients!
3) Offering our place to someone for a holiday whilst we're in the UK and discovering that last week their little one had been praying they could have a holiday and could it be in Ibiza?!

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