Starry-eyed time

I'm blipping this a day late.... Yesterday with Carl was epic! We had the morning walking round town looking for shots, him talking me through things...I think the puddle reflection was my favourite (extra)... Then evening time we went to our friend's shop opening at the bottom of Sa Penya...he'd got a few of the Roma kids to dace flamenco and 2 of the Dads played and was pretty wonderful! And then, highlight of the day, Carl and I went out about 11,30 to go take photos of the Milky Way. Oh my goodness, what fun and what an awe-inspiring thing to do. The beauty was incredible.... We drove to a couple of places but ended up over by Es much beauty! Including the moon setting, orange, into the sea. I learnt a lot, I have a lot more still to learn, but I went to bed happy and shattered. We got home about 4,30 I think!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) God's incredible creation.
2) Theo's love for the Roma kids.
3) Danny having the kids loads so I can make the most of the time with Carl and learn all I can.

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