A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

The keys to success

I spent a quiet day at home, prepping Monday's class. Well, quiet is a way of putting it: the teaching part wasn't stressing me, but I couldn't find the keys that I received on Thursday. To teach 3 classes, I apparently need these 8 keys. Will I have to chain the students to their table was one of the questions I ponder. Anyways. Couldn't find the keys. Turned everything upside down. Freaked out a bit. Checked again. No, they weren't there. Kept working. For good measure, checked again, for the third time, in my coat pockets, worried I would have to call the college and reveal just how stupid I am when it comes to not losing things (especially things I put aside not to lose them). Ah. Keys in pocket, like good keys. I'm guessing that frantic searches are not the most efficient!

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