remembering... sister

with a tiny pitcher

it's deceiving to the eye - as to the exact size of this pitcher - in reality, it is no larger than 2 inches - i got into collecting them because of my sister - and as i have begun to pack - up my belongings for a move - i happened across this one - which momentarily stopped me in my tracks - taking me back to the days when me and my sis - would hunt around local antique shops - for these precious items - each of us attempting to outdo the other - in what we might find on any given - treasure hunt - whose day would it be - to come upon the 'golden egg' - so to speak - i think it's safe to say - we were neck and neck with each other - always competitive yet cheering when the - other found that special item - because that's what sisters do

i miss going on those treasure hunts - with her more than anything - sharing that sister bond we managed to forge - through many trials which turned into - an endearing love that lasted until her untimely death - it all came rushing back - as so often happens with memories - with one little pitcher - taking me on a winding path of tears - with those memories - but ending as always in...


happy day.....

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