
School was school-ish, apart from the flurries of snow. The level of which meant that a bunch of my pals skipped out to go sledding, whilst I was still trying to make up for my absence last week and was at all the lectures. Which I found pretty useful as the first 2 did not have the powerpoints loaded up for people to print out beforehand.

The snow was so lovely I decided to go for a walk in a nearby park/wood, was most pleasant, albeit a bit disorientating with the whiting out of the routes. Snow always makes me think of Calvin & Hobbes, an amazing series by Bill Watterson. I got the complete 3 volume boxset for Crimbo :o)

Think I'm gonna bunk off Kempo tonight, mostly as I have 2/3 bits of work to be done by the end of the week! Gah silly degree... The worst is I'm still a bit sore from Saturday, which will prolly get worse from lack of training, rather than better, oh well... Roll on Wednesday ;o)

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