A time for everything

By turnx3

Archway of lights

Not a very exciting blip, but all I got today. We spent the morning at church, helping to re-upholster the choir chairs ready to go into the new sanctuary. They had planned on ordering new ones, but they couldn't get any like we have, with a box on the side to put your hymnal in. The new ones would have had a shelf underneath, which meant people on the front row would have to reach down, pushing the choir robe out of the way to put it away. Since they stream the 3rd service on the internet, they are always very concerned with how things look - wanting to avoid visual distractions. So the decision was made instead to reupholster the existing ones. I was working on removing the old staples - which they had really overdone - we decided they must have been paid by the staple! Unfortunately, working on these set my allergies off and left me sneezing and with a runny nose the rest of the day. By the time we left church it had started to rain, so we took our exercise inside - I went swimming, and Roger worked out in the gym. In the evening we had a Cincinnati Symphony concert at Music Hall, and that is where today's blip was taken - the pedestrian bridge linking the car park with Music Hall. The concert featured Evelyn Glennie. Scottish born Dame Evelyn Glennie is the first person in musical history to successfully create and sustain a full-time career as a solo percussionist. She performed Jennifer Higdon's amazing Percussion Concerto. Also on the program were Ravel's Alborada del gracioso, Rimsky-Korsakov's Capriccio espagnol and Tchaikovsky's Francesca da Rimini. So , it was a wonderful program - I was just sorry I was still suffering from my allergies, so didn't enjoy it quite as much as I might.

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