Scattered (MM229)

Crab apple fruits randomly scattered onto our sunny sitting area .... 

We moved the patio put in by the original builders to the far corner of the garden where there is the best of the late afternoon sunshine, and also a couple of crab apple trees in the woodland behind the fence.  They are something of a pain,  the fruits lie and rot, or land in whatever it is we are eating, and when the trees are not bombarding us, they provide a landing spot for the local pigeons, in short - they have to go!  They will be replaced, probably with a couple of Hornbeams, but that will have to wait until we know what is happening with the land they sit in. 

Gill has found a local nursery with a good selection of trees, so if we can buy the land, the possibilities open up beyond just the chainsaw option :-)

However - their random nature fits this weeks's mono Monday theme well, so before they go, they can at least serve one useful purpose :-)

Thanks to Laurie54  for hosting. 

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