
By Eilatanfoto

Happy Days

Growing up, the park behind my place had 2 swings and a see-saw and the remainder of the paddock was used for 'backyard' community cricket / football depending on the season, hide and seek (no surprise we mostly hid behind the swing...wish we had a slide), and chases, so its fair to say, parks have come along way!

This park located in the centre of Melbourne has been designed by kids and is most definitely for kids! It is always filled with adventurous youngsters posing as pirates, explorers, magicians, princesses and some very domineering fairies (apparently a wand means all pirates should get out of your way)!

I love that such spaces still exist in small towns and big cities and that the kids using them, irrelevant of the fact they've probably researched pirates on their I Pad before they got there, still have enough imagination to know that Pirates, fairies, explorers and all the others would obviously hang out together, be it walking the plank, fighting off lions ( I was surprised there was a lion loose in Melbourne too), or just sprinkling magic dust that does stuff..... :)

Parks are great places because imagination is important!

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