Cancer Bear

This week is Men's Health Week in New Zealand, so men get yourself checked, keep your eye on the ball, check the Belly to much of it can contribute to type ll Diabetes ( diet Controlled) Go to your GP for a Health Check up it could be the answer you are looking for or already know. June is also Bowel cancer Awareness Month and having seen Marie go through this and not being in the so called risk area, you can not go by what the Health Professionals are using as a guide,because it has been proven it does not work. New Zealand has one of the highest incidences of Bowel Cancer in the world 3000 people are diagnosed per year and more than 1200 could die. Bowel Cancer is the easiest Cancer to treat if found early enough. Don't sit back and say she'll be right if you notice any change and I mean any change get yourself checked out, if your Doctor says you don't meet the criteria, TELL the Dr you want a Colonoscopy and don't take no for an answer even if you have to pay for it yourself. We were fortunate enough to have Medical Insurance because 6 months difference could have had a completely different outcome for Marie. At midday today a friend of mine lost his Partner to Breast Cancer; a sad day

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