Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

The simple life

In full waterproof garb I spent some time today biking around, in all the rain and wind, from one lonely spot to another. Devoid of any other silly sod, the tracks and trails were all mine. As each corner showed me another mud filled track and the sight of The Cathedral became less and less, I found myself longing for simple things, to be dry and warm for starters!

I have been to some pretty inhospitable places in my life, but the Fens in Winter can make most of them feel okay! The cold wind that seems to come straight from Siberia, the damp sucking earth and not to mention the rain that comes from all directions!
The small birds had the right idea, nestled in their hedge rows, chirping (or was it laughter?) at me as I went by. After a couple of hours it was time to give shop then!

I have been trying to get warmed up ever since!!!!!!!!

Silly Sod!

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