What is this? - 4

Yes, yesterday's was a toaster! Maybe I should have taken the colour off just to confuse you a little bit, hmmm... haha!

...and what is this?

It's been a rather quiet day at work compared to the really busy days we had in October. It was rainy and windy this morning but it cleared up later on. It was much nicer on my way back home, just darker!

I was thinking today that trying to stay positive all the time is hard work. Negative thoughts can drag you down really fast, like a snowball getting bigger and bigger as it rolls down. Positive thoughts are not always easy. Sometimes it feels more like climbing a difficult rock face, but it's worth at the end! The days where everything seems against you, it feels like a rope is trying to pull you back while you try to move forward, a bit like cycling against the wind. Other days, however, it seems easier. But don't get me wrong, I was ok today, I was in fairly good spirits. It was just a thought...

I've managed to make 12 roses already, so only 4 more to go! I'll try and make them this evening!

Thanks very much for all your guesses! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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