My little bowl of slimey

I know the title makes it sound horrendous but I am attempting to eat really well this week to build up a bit of energy and winter resilience. Tonight was pasta with my little bowl of olive oil coated items including half a jar of artichoke hearts, some left over Spanish olives (very small), some Italian mushrooms of all shapes, sizes and colours. All displayed waiting for pasta boilage in a little red bowl I got from a potters fair in France :-)

Mr H is not here at the moment which is just as well as I intend to keep the radio on so I can find out what's going on with the election as I sleep...that's the plan I followed last time..well with all elections actually- bit sad eh? :-) I've decided I am going to make a fabulous cake this weekend....not sure what yet but something I haven't tried yet to be discovered.....

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