What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Inspirational Sprinting

3,556 words written today - now that's some damn fine NaNo-ing if I do say so myself! It's amazing what is motivational for me, in this instance it was partially a red pepper oven timer that saw me write something ridiculous in twenty minutes - close to 700 I think it was (basically, if I could write at that rate constantly, I'd be done in just over a day!)

The hands in the shot are not mine, but belong to Lottie, one of our MLs, she and Anne-Lise basically run the show in terms of organisation, making sure we're all highly motivated and generally getting as many of us over the finishing line as possible - all the while getting there themselves - needless to say they are both awesome individuals!

Day 6; 6,446 words written; 43,554 words remaining

PS: moving back-Blips are up if you'd like a look:
New Digs
Unpacking Chaos

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