Simple Pleasures

This day is for grocery shopping, house-cleaning, rest, a few precious hours with Sue before she leaves town for a while, and final preparations for three days and two nights of Baba Camp with the two local grandchildren. Both their parents will be out of town. This grocery store parking lot moment is a simple pleasure such as I'm hoping to find today.

The Occupation of the ICE building is continuing and growing. Other cities in the US are starting their own occupations at their ICE buildings. There is plenty of outrage in the USA. 

I have loved your comments of encouragement and solidarity over the last few days, also your stars and hearts. Thank you. I can't be online while the children are with me, as multi-tasking is not my forté, and keeping the two of them engaged and distracted from their longing for their parents is already multi-tasking. I'm going to turn comments off till the children go home. I may post a blip if I can find space for it. Evan still refuses to sleep if his mother is not with him, and although he can handle separation from her in the daytime, he cries inconsolably at night. Bella and I will join him in a state of group sleep-deprivation, coping as well as we can till their mom returns. 

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