Englishman in the Balkans

By BalkansDavid


In 2007 I was halfway into a project that I was working on in Canada.

I became intensely interested in the (then), new tech and internet based delivery platforms that would become known as Social Media.

The years that followed, saw me become what was then referred to, as an "early adopter".

I just wanted to try things out, be at the leading edge of new ways of creating content.

I became fascinated in producing video, using only mobile devices.

Over time, social media consumed me. It still dictates a lot of my life today, although I am slowly taking back control.

Recently, Tamara and I had the offer, the opportunity, to spend some 6 weeks away on the island of Čiovo in the Adriatic Sea near Trogir.

That's where I (we) am/are at the moment. 

We are doing something together with one of Tam's friends.

My plan while I am here is to help Tamara, but also to use this time to reassess how I create content for my blog, vlog and podcast.

To become "smarter".

How to best use social media to let as many people know about "An Englishman in the Balkans", but without having to spend nearly all my time checking my mobile device.

A reset if you will. Hopefully a total break from how I was doing things.

Maybe a reclamation of quality time.

Maybe reading "paper books" instead of e-books.

Let's see.

I'll try and keep you updated.

Do you have a similar situation to me?

If so how/what did you do?

The image with this post, is me looking across the Adriatic towards the Croatian mainland and Split Airport. It's approaching sunset and still 27C.

There's also an intro video from our current trip to Čiovo:


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