
By laozhudi

This week's brain teaser

is not so much, 'What is a stretch limo doing parked up on this backstreet?' though it has been there since Sunday as, 'How will they get it out?'
I don't drive. I remember in a film once that driving a stretch limo was described in far from complimentary terms. And it does seem very long to negatiate around the corner you can see on the right, especially as it is defended by metal posts when it becomes the other street, and the back lane just visible on the left is very narrow and generally a bit bin-filled. I like the way the number plate nut makes it say 'mi limo' so I hope whoever loves it that much gets it away unscathed.
Two car blips in two days is because I forget to take my camera on the dinner-time walk yesterday and so couldn't get this one.

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