
By IrvingFlashman

Baby, you're a firework.

I definitely do remember today.
The girls and I did a large amount of procrastination and decided to build a gingerbread house from a set we got at Halloween. I think it would be fair to say that it went *badly*. It fell apart, the icing was rather similar to tar, it did not smell delicious, and the decoration left a lot to be desired.
I did a little work, because when do I not these days? Then met the boy and his friends and we got on a train to Barry Island to see their fireworks display. The place was busy, brightly lit, colourful, full of delicious food and a wonderful place to be on a crisp November evening.
The boys placed Hook A Duck, some bubbles and other prizes were won, whilst I ate an enormous bag of Candyfloss that the boy bought for me :)
The girlies met us down there and we all smushed into a crowd on the seafront to watch the fireworks. Since it was free (£10 in Cardiff, as they continually reminded us) it was not the most spectacular fireworks show but the setting and the company made it special to me.
We then all convened in a big, bright, loud, warm arcade where we lost a lot of money but gained plenty of terribly brilliant prizes - novelty mugs hello!
A group of us got the train back to central Cardiff and headed straight to our favourite pub/bar/restaurant/live music venue/whatever you want - Live Lounge. It got loud, busy and cold at which point the boy and I headed home.
This seems a bit bullet-pointy but I'm in work mode so all creative flair has died today.

Tonight was a bright, happy, shining light which has blurred out the inanity of sitting in the house reading books on insanity all day.

The picture is something the boy drew when we were all on the train home :) On the way home he gave his scarf to a homeless man and I was touched by his kindness. I love him.

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