The Last Peony

Dear Diary,

John and I worked on deadheading things and this one white peony, the last one standing, got inadvertently cut off.  I brought it in and put it in a dish of water, like a waterlily, and placed it on the breakfast room table where it immediately scented the room.  Later, when I checked on it, the light was striking it in the most beautiful way and I ran for the camera.

I felt very Georgia O'Keeffe-ish with this photograph.  The light and the petals were beyond beautiful to me.  This photograph reminded me of why I love photography so much, small moments of beauty captured and held forever.  Some of the dark pink peonies are still hanging on but I have a special feeling for the white ones that seem much more delicate that their more vivid cousins.  I won't be able to savor the smell in the months ahead (now wouldn't that be an amazing thing, cameras that record smells!) but that light on soft white petals is forever.

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