Still in the shade

This am the centre rang to say they had chased and we're still chasing but the bad news was that the referral was still waiting to be typed. The spinal team had promised that it would get done today and be sent by email. Meantime the centre had rung the neurophysiology department to tell them that there was an urgent request winging its way to them today. Unfortunately they could not give an idea of when they could see me.

The lady at the centre said she would chase it until close of play today and if I heard nothing it would be sensible for me to ring both spinal & neurophysiology to check the position. She said she would try to monitor it over the weekend too and if nothing had been done she would chase them again.

It was strongly suggested that I contact pals....I ummmmmed and ahhhhed about this and finally at 330 I took the decision to ring them.

They were closed for the day.

So I'm sitting here hoping that someone will ring me - anyone ! But it's getting late and it looks like it's another wait until Monday.

It's a good job I don't live near a high cliff :-(

A bright sunny day doing nothing.

Thanks for calling in as always, and I hope you all have a great weekend.

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