Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Strong man

Gym ✔️

A bit of a sore back today hampered any further gardening, so I just sat in the sun with my coffee and contemplated it. Can’t do anything more till we get some sort of edging. Though JR did get a huge bag of compost, which stayed in the car boot until we had a strong man to remove it.

Jordan came to collect Archie and he took the frisbee ring, which is easy to carry round your neck. Archie loves it. They had a great time, especially Archie, who found a muddy pond to paddle in and to drink from. Yuck! (Though he did dip in some cleaner water later).

Jordan had a coffee when he returned, and kindly lifted out the heavy bag of compost from our car boot.

A good washing day - two loads out. I also put some grass seeds down on the strange circles of dead grass... wonder if they're anything to with Archie ...

Watched tennis in the afternoon, and then we popped over to a neighbour for drinkies and nibbles, and stayed too long. Archie stayed at home, but had his favourite chewy bone and so he was happy all evening.

Here's Archie with his good friend Jordan. They love each other. And it's not just that Jordan is trying to escape from doing up his new flat - he does love long walks, bird spotting on the way. Archie gets very excited when he arrives. All good!

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