
By Beewriter

Love Island

They talk about it at work, the coven talk about it and Primark was full of ‘stuff’ promoting it.....”What??” I hear you ask...blinkin’ Love Island, that’s what!

I haven’t seen any of it, but I’ve heard all about it and now I’m going to have to watch a little bit just to see what everyone is going on about. I know I’ll get drawn into the rubbish inanity of brainless bods who are so false in appearance and deed, but want to be taken ‘seriously’.....yeah right!

Anyway, in an homage to Love Island we decorated gingerbread men. The fun that four middle aged woman had with a biscuit, an icing tube, hundreds and thousands and tiny smarties was hilarious!

I swam a lap of the Quays this morning then I nipped into town to get some pics printed. There was a fire at Frankie and Benny’s and I took a couple of pics, but I got there after the main event, sadly. (I can say ‘sadly’ as no one was hurt). The coven met this afternoon for tea and scones (and naked gingerbread men...and women) then I called on Jude for a catch up and I’ve just had a G&T in the garden next door with I am shattered and ready for bed!

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