knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Hat to be

Today has been a day for doing very little. Felt rotten when I woke up but was cheered by the news of democracy still being sensible across the pond.
Kicked the child off to school then accidentally sat in front of the computer for the morning finding cool Sellotape (search Japanese washi tape on etsy) and gorgeous camera bags. Discussions are already taking place with Santa.
I did print off some photos for college, but not happy with the colour of them. Might be the cheapo ink in my printer.
Got caught in the monsoonal rain at school pickup time. There has to be a phd in weather patterns at the end of the school day as it always gets bad 2 minutes before the bell goes.
Stayed and watched the child at judo which was good fun.
I'm taking part in selfish knitting tonight as I've got my secret Santa present finished. Feeling rather smug about it so casting on this yarn for a hopefully cool hat.

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