
By dreaming

More progress

I didn't make it to the library this morning because I was still recovering from a bad night with the vertigo.  It was hard to sleep, and when I got up I kept listing to the right, so I had to use the walker to get around in the dark.  Fortunately the rest of the day was a lot better, mainly just feeling off-kilter.

But Doug, sweetheart that he is, drove over to pick me up and take me to his and EW's house for dinner, which turned out to be mahi mahi (yum).  While I was there, I took some more photos of the hydrangea, which is now covered with these clusters of florets.

Then EW and I watched the first episode of the new season of The Great British Baking Show.  We both love that program, and it was fun to watch it together.  We really liked the woman who was the first sent home, and were sorry to see her go.

And then Doug drove me home.  What had started out as a pretty punk day turned out very nice indeed.

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