A beautiful day....

....sunny and 73 degrees (F)--so the tinies headed to the beach for some sun and fun! They spent some time lounging around on the sand, then thought they'd do some swimming. They all headed toward the water only to realize that even at it's shallowest they'd be in over their heads (both literally AND figuratively) so instead went to the concession stand for something to eat before heading home.   :))
Today is Jennie's birthday, so we're all going out to dinner. I gave her the choice of where she'd like to go, and she chose the Polish restaurant that we all like. We're eating at 4:00, as it won't start filling up until closer to  5:30, & the Dr. said it would be fine for Tom to go as long as it wasn't overly crowded. I don't know who's more excited--Tom or the Birthday Girl!  :)))

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