One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Le Tour de Dalkey

Seamus had earned his maillot orange, during yesterday's stage between Beshoff's fish and chips and the doughnut shop on the main street. 
He may be able to retain it today if he manages to race between all 5 pubs in Dalkey and down two pints in each. 

Today we swam. In the Irish Sea! And it wasn't half as painful as expected. We went to the old dudes' nudy-swimmy place. The poor old guys, they must have been a bit miffed to see their sunning spot invaded by dozens of day trippers. 
It was my first time there. Lovely deep, refreshing water. A few dives really woke me up. Then there was some entertaining comparative study in scrotal sacks elasticity.  

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