I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray


I walked to another lake this morning and was greeted by a mockingbird. (upper left extra) I sat on a rock and watched the dragonflies catching bugs and once again, I tried to get a photo and once again, I gave up, just watched and enjoyed.

As I moved on, I captured this big eared bunny (upper right extra) munching on some delicacy. The killdeers (lower right extra) were being very vocal and the mockingbirds were chiming in with their version of the killdeer warnings.

As I slowly walked up the path, I saw an adult black-crowned night heron enjoying the morning sun. (lower left extra) I found another night heron further up the lake and glimpsed a third one lurking in the bushes.

As I was meandering back, some older gentleman rushed out in his backyard and proceeded to tell me that I couldn't take pictures because it was private property. I politely informed him that the property I was on belonged to all the homeowners in the community and I had every right to be there and take pictures. So much for my peaceful morning with nature.

I did see this hummingbird in the lantana and snapped a few pictures. To my delight, I accidentally captured a dragonfly, too! In the center picture you can see the dragon coming in to make sure he got his 15 minutes of fame on blip. We had a little chat and he promised me that next time I am around, he will pose nicely for me.

Today is Judy's birthday, so we are taking her out to dinner. One of the motivations for getting out and making sure I had my blip in the bag for today.

I am grateful that I could enjoy the morning, even when someone tried to take away that joy.

Until tomorrow.....

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