
By PlanW

Smoke Stack Black Top Novocaine Boy

Double bubble at the hospital today.  

8.00am physio appointment (I got the time wrong and got there 15 minutes early for my 8.30am appoint.  We agreed to split it down the middle and call it quits).  Viv, the physio is happy with my mobility and scar progress.  The scar massage is working well ... Only I have done it probably about twice in six weeks.   I'm just rubbish at that stuff.  

Straight from the physio to the radiologist to have a PICC line inserted.  To say I was nervous would be an understatement but it was fine.   I don't know what all the fuss was about, ha ha.  

The Radiologist, named James Kirk, by the way, numbed my arm with Novocaine, which was a big relief as two of the nurses said it was done 'straight' and I was terrified.   It was over before I knew it and I could enjoy a much needed cup of tea as I'd not been able to eat or drink beforehand and I'd been up since 4.30 to do stuff and to water the garden before I went.  As much as I kicked and screamed about it, this will make the whole treatment process much easier for me and the nurses. 

I've got a week of catching up to do.  I've been so busy, gallivanting and enjoying myself, do there's a chunk of backblipping on the way.   After today, life is going to quieten down a bit, no social events planned until I see how the poison makes me feel.  

Novocaine - Beck .  1996

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