Thought I’d share a panorama view of some of our property. We have 10 acres that are mostly forest with the exception of this 2 acre field. This is a sideview of our new home. To the right you see a small building with a tree that looks like it’s about to fall over (it’s not), which is our electrical shed. Beside that is my new truck, a trailer (caravan?) and a small cabin. Not in view behind the cabin is an enclosed outdoor shower (which is really cool) as well as an outhouse which is the tiny building tucked in the trees to the right of the cabin.

The past few days I’ve been cleaning (scrubbing) windows. I’m not sure they’ve been cleaned since the house was built 6 years ago, so as you can imagine it’s taken a lot of wrist and arm action to get them sparkling again. It’s satisfying in that I can see so much better through them, but also that it’s taking us one step closer to making this home ours.

In terms of trades, it’s been a slow week. My electrician hasn’t showed up yet but we had a good meeting with the plumber sorting out what needs to be done.

One more day here and then Friday I’m driving my love to the coast where he and our 13 year old granddaughter Ruby will be flying back east to Nova Scotia early Saturday morning to visit family. Although the timing isn’t great as we didn’t know about the move when we bought the airline tickets, it is important for my love to visit his Mom and family. I’ll head back home on my own to welcome trades beginning mid next week.

Each day as I walk the land, I feel more and more comfortable. Today a hawk was circling above our field while a hummingbird buzzed around our deck. Every day I’m seeing something new and I imagine I will for years to come. Nature doesn’t disappoint.

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