
By AH14

Water Lily

A full and busy day today - and yet another scorcher!

This morning was spent at Knoll Gardens where they had a special entry for members of camera clubs. I spent a happy hour or so photographing, grasses, water lilies, lady birds and dragonfly larvae.....

Then home to download the photos, change and grab a very quick bite to eat, before heading off to the funeral of a very lovely old friend whom I've only seen once in recent years but I have very fond memories of from when I was living with her and her husband, together with four of their children when I was in my early twenties. A sad occasion, obviously, but secure in the knowledge that she is now free from pain and with her heavenly father. It was lovely to see the family, most of whom I've not seen for many years.

And now, I have just posted the 100th entry for my b&w journal before I nip out briefly to call in on some other friends who are flying back to the Philippines this weekend. And to deliver a birthday present that is now two weeks overdue..... 

I'll be back later... Have a great weekend, everyone, and, of course, many thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts you gave so generously to yesterday's sunset blip!

Ann :))

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