Firm Friends Faye

Today has been one of those days where you fit several days worth of activities into one!! I can hardly even remember this morning...other than time to get shopping and few bits and pieces.
Asha's been super excited as her friend, Tilly, was dropped off at lunchtime. She's here for the day/night. At exactly the same time I accepted an invite to go swim at a schoolfriend's house with the girls, Danny loaned our car to a the girls and I went off in search of the right bus, armed with google maps... We arrived hot and sticky, but it was SO lovely to watch Asha and Tilly playing with the 2 boys...and lovely to chat with the parents. Once the car was free Danny and Nate came to collect us and drop us home...we arrived at the same time as the wonderful Tom and Petra (aka the Mountainbrew gang - see extras) so lovely for them to meet Faye & Matt...
Faye and Matt have flown back to the UK tonight...the flat is feeling empty without them. I'm really going to miss them..but Faye will be back soon and we've already made plans to meet in the UK. They left a ridiculously generous bag of gifts for us all. AND Faye washed all their bedding and hung it out! Amazing woman!
Brilliant to have dinner with T&P...Nate has fallen for both Faye and Petra...
And now we've remade beds and Asha and Tilly are finally asleep - it didn't take long for them to drop off - they were shattered!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Yet more amazing improvement with Josh!! It's quite a miraculous turn around he's made...considering this time last week there was talk of turning the machine off!!!!
2) Sergio and Carole inviting us to theirs to play with the kids and use the pool. 
3) Beautiful souls in our home. Grateful for Faye and Matt and Tom, Tom and Petra, and Tilly.

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