Study Buddy

Well Asha & her friend slept til 9am...which was marvellous! All that swimming and the 11pm bedtime ensured a few extra hours in the morning! We played, drew, went to the swings, played football...and when her Mom came to collect her, Asha crashed and had a big old cry into her pillow...poor thing.
This afternoon I went to Nude to finish writing tomorrow's talk for church...Asha joined me and made pictures for various people (& cats! Ha!)...she was good company.
The wonderful wonderful news is that Josh is currently in the air on the way home to the UK...his Mom has been allowed to go with him... Danny's dropping the stepdad off at the airport as I type.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) WhatsApp.
2) Asha & Tilly's friendship.
3) Josh's miraculous recovery.

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