Sunday Shadows

Yet another phone photo!! Apologies!
Glad to have done the talk at church, things like that always make me very nervous! Then straight from church to lunch with the translation team as Danny's doing some of it with kids church and will start for the main meeting too. Whilst they talked specifics of interpreting (first or third person, idioms etc etc...) I went down to the pool with Quin & the kids...I hoped Nate would snooze...but nope!
We watched a bit of Spain Vs Russia - what a shame for Spain!!!
Home for tea and Baths...and Danny went to Sa Penya...

Drama of the day;
Managing to flick a crumbled dishwasher tablet in my eye - man it hurt!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Incredible progress by Josh! Faye text earlier saying he'd managed to whisper her name!!!
2) Quin playing with the kids in the pool.
3) The coming week being quieter than the last few.

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