My Lifetime

So far, measured in days. Quite by chance I stumbled across the fact that today is my 20,000 day so today's blip is a set of little squares, one per day. I am thinking I will do something with it - maybe colour in particular times in my life, maybe highlight key moments - but for now it is simply a set of squares, lying on the living room floor.
Later went to see some more films in the Film Festival. Beautiful things was a little strange but for me made most sense as an industrial symphony in four movements - interesting and absorbing. Then it was Hearts Beat Loud - a feel-good father and daughter film about music and love, set in the quirky Brooklyn neighbourhood of Red Hook. A charming film. Finished the day with Humor Me - this time an older father-son relationship but again, like Hearts Beat Loud, the mother had died before the film starts. Okay, but not as good as the afternoon film for me. 

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