
"What a piece of junk!" (Luke Skywalker, A New Hope)

"That one's garbage." (Rey, The Force Awakens)

I went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story today. Don't listen to all the negativity from so-called Star Wars fans who say this film is garbage. A bunch of half-witted nerf-herders who've got a mynock up their butt because they think Disney molested their childhood with The Last Jedi and even organised a boycott of this film because of it. No, I loved The Last Jedi and Solo: A Star Wars Story is brilliant too.

Just before going into the theatre I saw one of the staff tearing apart this promotional display. I thought it rather fitting considering the way Han Solo treats Lando Calrissian's beloved YT-1300 light freighter. What a waste! I would have paid at least 500 Republic credits for it.

Spoiler Alert!!!

My only grievance was the surprise cameo near the end of the film which completely screws up the continuity. If the Lucas movies are canon, as Disney insist, then the fact that a certain Sith Lord is alive between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope is pretty dumb, and could only be explained by some pretty lame explanation about Emperoror Palpatine having a clone.

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