My Pet "Weed"

Dear Diary,

Lots of people consider the Giant Mullein a weed.  It grows freely along the road and people generally don't want them in their garden but I love my Mullein.  (I've named him Mortimer.)  Not sure how it got there as there aren't any others around but there it is in all its glory.  Mulleins are nature's pharmacy.  (You can read about it here.)  I just love its velvety leaves and outrageous stature. 

It seems as if I have a thing about adopting a weed each year.  Two years ago it was a silly and HUGE wild lettuce by the front door.  My house was on a garden tour that year and I thought people must think me crazy to have a "weed" growing by the house.  It made me smile.

I think the heat has finally gotten to me.  I am feeling a bit, well, not myself.  I am drinking lots of water and sitting by a fan but it isn't helping much.  Emerson is a bit lethargic as well.  They promise some relief by the weekend but then right back up again next week.  What we really need is some rain.  The fire danger is off the charts.

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