Best of a smudged lot.

"A grand day out" (© Wallace & Gromit) 
This week Wednesday fell on a Tuesday; so I was snatched up at some time with a "1" in it and we were off.
1st Stop The Jeweller's Workshop (which I thought I'd blipped, but can't find.) to drop off a repair.
Thence to the Castle to view the "Rivers of blood" which threw me mightily - on account of:-
1. I have a "fowl memory" ( About that of a chicken).
2. The use of the plural, for a singular item did little to help said memory.

Onward to Cranston's food hall near Orton/Dalston for some BBQ fodder and the garden centre for our brew.

Onward, ever onward, to chez kanyl for said BBQ.

All in all a GREAT day. Apart from the smudge on the lens - which I didn't see until on CS5.

"For 500 years, until the English and Scottish crowns were united in 1603, Carlisle Castle was the principal fortress of England’s north-western border with Scotland. A mighty stronghold in the frequent conflict between the two countries, and the base of the lord wardens attempting to control an unruly frontier, the castle has endured more sieges than any other place in the British Isles. Unlike most medieval castles, it has been continuously occupied since its foundation by William II in 1092. From the 18th century to the 1960s it was the headquarters of the Border Regiment, one of the oldest in the British army."

The full bit here if anybody's interested.

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