Dragonfly Nymph Case

Harry came to work on the pond this afternoon, weeding out the ground round the back and planting hostas and ferns bought at Staunton Harold yesterday.

I'd bought what I thought was a little fern with a lovely shaped leaf. It turns out it's a tree fern! It's gone right in the corner at the back. We shall have to see if it survives.

This was one of two nymph cases Harry found during the clean up, still clinging to a stalk of cow parsley. Exciting for me as I'd never seen one before. And he found a live one in the pond so more dragonflies should emerge. I need to sit at the bottom of the garden more. I hadn't seen them 'hatching,' so to speak.

A quiet day but perhaps that was OK. I still had a nap after 2pm. Must take Basil out to the woods for a run now.

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