Mrs Happy

By Riwaka7

You silly chook

I mean me, not the hens I met on my walk round the block. They have been having a fine time scratching in all the leaves right beside a road and walkway. Here's what they said as you look at extras 1,2 and 3.

Hey, someone's taking your photo.
What shall we do?
Ruuunn for it.

I started off by taking a 6 year old great nephew to school for the first time.His parents busy and his Nanna not fit enough. He is such a chatter box that got me in a good mood.
I think going out for lunch then put me in a silly mood. Then a visit from a nephew with all the town gossip from HIS point of view had us laughing.
It was such a bleak cold day we needed some good humour around.

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