The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Reasons to be cheerful

Have a LARGE motto on me!

The Greyhound inn is back in business! I noticed a few weeks ago a sign saying that it was going to reopen, and this morning the decorator was in place. Unfortunately the light wasn't, but some rather better pictures can be seen here, presumably not taken on a market day morning, and with a wide angle lens.

I don't recall having been in here since 2007, but it's been closed a long time now. The asking price dropped from over £500.000 to £399,000 in the interim. I have been meaning to blip it every day, but it looked so here it is, getting a new coat of paint! The motto at the top of the building looks a bit Masonic to my untrained eye, but that could just be because of the trowel. The Latin words read "Labore et Honore". Hmmm. My (McIntyre) family motto is "Per Ardua" ("through Hardship") and the Petre motto on my father's side is "Sans Dieu Rien" ("without God there is nothing"). Hmmm again.

Could anyone do me a latin translation of "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"?

Reasons to be cheerful

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