Warbrek Garden Centre

Friday 6th June 2018

I was determined to have a 99% day off today and get on top of things personally. I have managed to keep going all day so far and have been very productive with household chores. The washing machine wondered what was happening; I've ironed up to base camp of Mount Everest but still a way to go; I've done the shopping and restocked the food cupboards, next step a bit of cooking; I've bought a new home for the little people as they were complaining it was cramped and I had to disturb them all to find willing volunteers; and I've re-potted some of my plants. 

I had to go and get more compost and a bigger tub for the clivia, which seems intent on taking up all the space for soil. I know they like to be pot bound but it was getting ridiculous, and I only upgraded its house last year! Since then two babies have grown into teenagers and it now houses mum and dad, two teenagers and three new babies. I hoped the teenagers would move into a new pot but there was no way they were letting go (I really don't want to cut the roots), so the whole family had to upgrade! It is now getting a bit big for the table.

So, a trip to Warbrek garden centre was called for and it also provided today's blip.    

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